The Cold Plan

The Cold Plan

My Dear Killer

2018 - Cantautoriale, Lo-Fi, Slow-core


The Cold Plan" is the third extended playing by My Dear Killer after Clinical Shyness (2006) and The Electric Dragon of Venus (2013). It follows on the step of its two preceding works continuing the journey and the exploration through often figurative locations which becomes here sometimes traceable on a physical map. The record moves across the disassembling and atomisation of human being social relationships, having dystrophic isolation as an unavoidable destination. The tunes and harmonic scenery are then designed to embrace the atmosphere of this quiet-yet-conscious desolation. The pieces are composed by an ever so minimal overlay of ambient, analogue and synthetic landscapes, layered of soft, dilated, guitar tunes that leave the dense noises mesh which characterised previous MdK works just at the level of sporadic episodes. The half-conclusive nature of the mixes serves to convey the nature of void and the unsolved feeling of dismemberment which pervade the record.


The Cold Plan is the result of the collaboration of S. Stephanowic (Electric and Acoustic Guitar, Voice, Tapes, Effect, Samples ) and S. De Ponti (Electric Guitar, Double Bass, Synths, Samples). The graphics has been designed by M. Uggeri, starting from an the initial sketches of S. Stephanowic. The record will be released on the 28th of February 2018 by EeeE Edizioni and Under My Bed Recordings, and will be accompanied by a video except for the track Skyscrapers. The video was realised by Theodor Guelat.


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