Nagual - Defenseless testo lyric

21/06/2024 - 12:44Scritto da Nagual Nagual3


Time and again you've seen the cracks begin to show
Time and again you've seen I wasn't perfect after all
But all the times I've tried to break down all your walls
In the end it was always me to take the fall
It doesn't matter how you won't answer any call
Who was defenseless after all
Time and again I've had my back against the wall
This time it might be easier to let go
All the times I've tried to break down all your walls
In the end it was always me to take the fall
It doesn't matter how you won't answer any call
Who was defenseless after all
All the times I've tried to break down all your walls
In the end it was always me to take the fall
It doesn't matter how you won't answer any call
Who was defenselss after all
All the times I've tried to break down all your walls
Who was defenseless after all


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Defenseless di Nagual:


Altro brano “storico” di Nagual, fa parte dei brani già da tempo proposti dal vivo. L’unica ballata del disco, possibilmente la canzone più orecchiabile del disco. Come molti altri testi è incentrato sulle relazioni interpersonali e sentimentali… sempre una buona scusa per scrivere una ballad…


La canzone Defenseless si trova nell'album Tat Tvam Asi uscito nel 2017 per Orzorock Music.

Copertina dell'album Tat Tvam Asi, di Nagual

L'articolo Nagual - Defenseless testo lyric di Nagual è apparso su il 2024-06-21 12:44:44


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