Nagual - Where Memories Are Blind testo lyric

21/06/2024 - 12:44 Scritto da Nagual Nagual 3


Give me a door in the mirror to get out of here
That’s a desperate cry from my prison of fear
The people outside still don’t seem to hear
There’s a fleeting reflection that’s drowning in tears

A key to escape this web of bad dreams
The worst of my ego out there feeds on sin
Me invisible prisoner exploring the screen
A flower that withers from sorrow within

A hostage of a rhyme
That someone left behind
Where memories are blind...

Please try and find the time
To rescue what you'll find
Before I lose my mind...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Where Memories Are Blind di Nagual:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 1005 brani)


La canzone Where Memories Are Blind si trova nell'album And Once The Storm Is Over... uscito nel 2024 per Orzorock Music, Orzorock Music.

Copertina dell'album And Once The Storm Is Over..., di Nagual

L'articolo Nagual - Where Memories Are Blind testo lyric di Nagual è apparso su il 2024-06-21 12:44:44


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