NANAI - MRS SAD testo lyric

23/10/2016 - 16:15 Scritto da NANAI NANAI 5



Hey you, falling down.
Fall back down again,
In the same old pain.

Hey you, missing now
Missing now the way,
Your eyes filled with tears.

Hey you Mrs. Sad,
Don’t you know that time is not coming back as you want it? Then
Try to change your way.
Hey you Mrs. Sad,
Really think that your black ceiling turns into stars as you stare at it?
Stop dragging your feet.

Hey you, feeling blue
Looking at your day
It’s an endless Monday.

Hey you, made of glass
Why are you so shy?
It’s a OK to say “hi”.

Hey you Mrs. Sad,
Don’t you know that time is not coming back as you want it? Then
Try to change your way.
Hey you Mrs. Sad,
Really think that your black ceiling turns into stars as you stare at it?
Stop dragging your feet.

Look at the stars, made of what you lost.
Look at your dreams trapped in cover shrouds.
Now stop getting together pieces left.
Just wake up, stand up and then go ahead.

Hey you Mrs. Sad,
Don’t you know that time is not coming back as you want it? Then
Try to change your way.
Hey you Mrs. Sad,
Stop filling your nights with noises and half-full glasses
Now you should stop with past.




La canzone MRS SAD si trova nell'album HALE - BOPP uscito nel 2015 per Ikebana Records.

Copertina dell'album HALE - BOPP, di NANAI

L'articolo NANAI - MRS SAD testo lyric di NANAI è apparso su il 2016-10-23 16:15:12


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