Put your face down
While speaking loud
Fuck what the others say
I escape my life
I escape the truth
While the others sing
I escape hate
I escape pain
all the things you say
(I'll get drunk again)
I escape God
I escape death
I'll get drunk again
(And drink insane)
I'll leave my skin
While you escape the cage
Just another cake
I'll quit Lord
I'll escape from you
I'll escape from eternity
I'll be
I'll be free
Closing all the windows to my heart
What do you see?
Closing all the windows to my heart
What will you say?
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Eternity di nazario di liberto:
La canzone Eternity si trova nell'album Little Rooms uscito nel 2024.

L'articolo nazario di liberto - Eternity testo lyric di nazario di liberto è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-04-24 17:25:10