Necrodeath - Anagaton testo lyric


Panic invades the safety images of fear
Hatred in all of you coming from hell
Anagaton invincible destructor
Feel supreme or live in sorrow with god
Last despair supplication Christianity claims
Worshipping unholy priest a black belief
Anagaton despoiler of faith
Feel supreme or live in sorrow with god

I'm the master alone and disregarded

Anagaton invincible destructor
Feel supreme or live in sorrow with god

I'm the master alone and disregarded
Embraced by evil I wanna rip your soul out

Denying the cross, rising the flag
Bleeding in terror, disgusting the light
Disgusting the holy light!

Anagaton invictus et magister
Anagaton turba sui tremorque ludi
Anagaton vincere nec ferire doctus
Anagaton belligera sperbus hasta

I'm the master alone and disregarded
Embraced by evil I wanna rip your soul out


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Anagaton di Necrodeath:


La canzone Anagaton si trova nell'album Black As Pitch uscito nel 2001.

Copertina dell'album Black As Pitch, di Necrodeath

L'articolo Necrodeath - Anagaton testo lyric di Necrodeath è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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