Neue Ära - Dizzy Road testo lyric

23/02/2023 - 19:02 Scritto da Neue Ära Neue Ära 1


Lying low in a crowded street
I can tell you I'm not that guilty
But if 'em say the word for sure I'll go
They won't catch me 'cause the are the fools
They won't catch me 'cause they are the fools
Wrong place at wrong time
Mischief and disguise
Lord they do not wanna leave me alone
I'm in high risk escape
Dizzy road
The way I'm running on
Seize the day
Seize the silly dizzy road
When i's time to get up and see
If they still stay on my heels
Better watch my back I don't forget
I'm safe so I will take a rest
I'm safe so I will take a rest
Wrong place at wrong time
Mischief and disguise
Lord they do not wanna leave me alone
I'm in high risk escape
Dizzy road
the way I'm looking for
Welcome back to the same old show
What's the prob dawg?
Must go I can’t talk
Must go I can’t talk
Must go I ain't talk


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Dizzy Road di Neue Ära:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Aere (di @rockitadmin con 751 brani)


La canzone Dizzy Road si trova nell'album My Revenge uscito nel 2023 per Orchard.

Copertina dell'album My Revenge, di Neue Ära

L'articolo Neue Ära - Dizzy Road testo lyric di Neue Ära è apparso su il 2023-02-23 19:02:49


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