Neurotica - Easy Speak testo lyric


Hey i feel down
Hey maybe i'll lay down
Hey i was wrong
Hey i was wrong
Hey i feel proud
Meaning it i was loud
Hey i feel down
hey i was wrong
Hey i feel proud
i MEAN it
Place all of your eyes on the words
That bring the worlds together
Open are the ears of the blind
Favorites always earn them a place
In the hearts of millions
Speaking for the ones without words.... and saying for ya!
Hey I feel down
Hey I was wrong wrong wrong
Hey I feel down
Hey I was wrong wrong wrong
Hey I feel DOWN!
Living without sounds that create
That somewhat tranquil feeling
To say just what I thought I should say
Silence is a world without songs
Those inspired conversations
Speaking for the ones without words.....and saying for ya!
Hey I feel down
Hey I was wrong wrong wrong
Hey I feel down
Hey I was wrong wrong wrong
Hey I feel DOWN!


La canzone Easy Speak si trova nell'album Seed uscito nel -0001.

L'articolo Neurotica - Easy Speak testo lyric di Neurotica è apparso su il 2012-12-05 19:57:01


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