New Candys - Everything's Fucking Boring (feat. Bugo) testo lyric


When I’m feeling blue
It doesn’t mean that I’m freezing
Don’t even watch the TV news
Cause everything’s fucking boring

In my head there’s a callous
That I have to grate off
Well, I wish I was GG Allin
Then there things I’d be doing

Everything’s so fucking boring
Everything’s so fucking boring
Everything’s so fucking boring
Everything’s so boring

When a tram’s close by
I’d throw myself in front of it
At least here there’s something to do
Out of the ordinary

Dominatrix traffic lights
Don’t give no colors anymore
A powder goes into my nose
But everything is still boring

Everything’s so fucking boring
Everything’s so fucking boring
Everything’s so fucking boring
Everything’s so boring

If you tell me what I have to do
I promise you I’ll do it


La canzone Everything's Fucking Boring (feat. Bugo) si trova nell'album Everything's Fucking Boring (feat. Bugo) uscito nel 2023 per Dischi Sotterranei.

Copertina dell'album Everything's Fucking Boring (feat. Bugo), di New Candys

L'articolo New Candys - Everything's Fucking Boring (feat. Bugo) testo lyric di New Candys è apparso su il 2024-10-14 12:39:26


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