NGguitarboy Project Band - Old jail blues testo lyric


I’m one
I’m one again
In the same old jail
With the bars on the window and thick stone wall
I’m in the same old jail
I’m not back home

I said
I said to myself
Never again so low
Never locked up again, in a cold old jail
It’s the same old story
The same old boy

But now
I have escaped
From this damned old jail
I killed the guards and now I’m running towards my freedom!
Chased by mad dogs, now I hide in the dark night
After all, tomorrow is another jail


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Old jail blues di NGguitarboy Project Band:


La canzone Old jail blues si trova nell'album Woolabaloola uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album Woolabaloola, di NGguitarboy Project Band

L'articolo NGguitarboy Project Band - Old jail blues testo lyric di NGguitarboy Project Band è apparso su il 2024-02-05 09:27:02


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