Long ago we knew
We were not machines
Morning dew
Was cradling my dreams
Dispelling all my schemes
She used to love me
And I used to love her too
She showed me
A way out from my shell
And said the magic spell
“I believe in you
I believe in you”
In the morning dew
She said “I believe in you”
Then we had to part
Machines wouldn’t start
They needed me there
Back to where I thought
I should have fought
To get my share
So now I’m stuck like a cog
And I work like a dog
And I forget to rest
But I still think of her
And the way she would spur
Me to do my best
There is no right way
Just a workaround
Get away.
I’m leaving my hometown
Can’t stand another sound
The world out there is so vast
Vast enough to play
I have no past.
As expectations die
I remember how to fly
Into another day
Into another day
There is no right way
Just another day
Now I grow my greens
Goodbye old machines
You don’t need me there
I wish I’d never thought
I should have fought
To get my share
Now when I turn like a cog
As I work like a dog
I still forget to rest
But I sleep next to her
And again she can spur
Me to do my best
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Morning Dew di Nic Gyalson:
testo e musica: Nic Gyalson
produttore artistico: Pietro Foresti
arrangiamento: Vincenzo Giacalone
mix & master: Matteo Agosti - Frequenze Studio
voce, organo Hammond, chitarra slide: Nic Gyalson
altri strumenti: Vincenzo Giacalone
La canzone Morning Dew si trova nell'album Yellow House uscito nel 2023 per TouchTime Records.

L'articolo Nic Gyalson - Morning Dew testo lyric di Nic Gyalson è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-05-29 13:04:44