We wanna be free
So easy to be
But we must stay at home for now
You know how I need you
I’ll try to get near you
I’ll do anything they will allow
We’ll do it their way
Got to be O.K.
Still I am wondering how long we’ll have to wait
It’s only going to last one second and a half
Though sometimes it just feels like years
You know I know that when it’s over we will laugh
And stop that ringing in our ears
I can hear your voice
Through the digital noise
Say you need to stay alone for now
You know I respect you
And though I just want to protect you
I will only do what you’ll allow
So we’ll do it this way
Got to be O.K.
Still I am wondering how long I’ll be afraid
There’s something to learn
From these lonely days
I have all the time to burn
My fear in this place
It makes me tough
It keeps me alive
It makes me strong enough
For the two of us and a new life
Have faith in the Earth
And the waiting might end
Only time will tell her if it’s worth
It to make us meet again
Not for my whim
To make you my wife
But to make us full of vim
Then we could be home for a new life
Premi play per ascoltare il brano One Second And A Half di Nic Gyalson:
testo e musica: Nic Gyalson
produttore artistico: Pietro Foresti
arrangiamento: Vincenzo Giacalone
mix & master: Matteo Agosti - Frequenze Studio
voce, synth, armonica cromatica: Nic Gyalson
altri strumenti: Vincenzo Giacalone
La canzone One Second And A Half si trova nell'album Yellow House uscito nel 2023 per TouchTime Records.

L'articolo Nic Gyalson - One Second And A Half testo lyric di Nic Gyalson è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-05-29 13:04:44