Now you say you wanna be mine,
You wanna be mine
But you can’t be mine
I can’t deny
You know I spent the night with someone else
Oh yes I did ‘cause I like the way she moves
I love the way she is and the way she improves me
It’s not that I don’t miss you
It’s not that I won’t kiss you
Las night I just needed to have fun with someone else
And she said she wanted to be mine,
She wanted to be mine
But she couldn’t be mine
I couldn’t deny
I wanted to live my life with someone else,
And that is you
So now we’re three and we are feeling so blue
Falling down from heaven without parachute
The hardest impact
I wonder if we’re still intact
Now we all need to believe in something else,
Don’t we?
Yet we still say “Can you be mine?
Will you be mine?”
You could be mine though I can’t deny
I’d like to spend the night with you
And someone else too
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Someone Else di Nic Gyalson:
testo e musica: Nic Gyalson
produttore artistico: Pietro Foresti
arrangiamento: Vincenzo Giacalone
mix & master: Matteo Agosti - Frequenze Studio
voce, organo Hammond: Nic Gyalson
altri strumenti: Vincenzo Giacalone
La canzone Someone Else si trova nell'album Yellow House uscito nel 2023 per TouchTime Records.

L'articolo Nic Gyalson - Someone Else testo lyric di Nic Gyalson è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-05-29 13:04:44