Nina - Ding Dong (Israele) testo lyric

21/10/2008 Scritto da Nina Nina 1


(Ve’ulai hayamim hatovim)
EN: Maybe the good old days
(Higi’u hem kan, rak od rega katan)
EN: have come, just for a moment
(Vehakol yishtane me’achshav)
EN: and from now on everything will change
(Venohav, nohav)
EN: And we’ll love, we’ll love
And if you have a dream of your own
Don’t be afraid to go on with your heart
Close your eyes and hear the bells of your soul
Ding dong, say no more
I hear silent prayers
And it’s making me high and fly
I know where to go and I’m coming now
(Ve’ulai ze kim’at, ze karov)
EN: And maybe it’s almost here, close
(Achshav ba toro shel harega hatov)
EN: Now the good moment got its turn
(Hake’ev shebalev mistovev veholech, ozev)
EN: The pain in the heart is turning around, walking away
Ding dong, say no more
I hear silent prayers
And it’s making me high and fly
I know where to go and I’m coming now
(Haleli et hayom shemevi lach et halaila)
EN: Hail the day that brings you the night
(Haleli et hazman sheya’ir otach)
EN: Hail the time that will enlighten you
(Hu yavi lach ge’ula)
EN: It will bring you salvation
(Haleli et hayom shemevi lach et halaila)
EN: Hail the day that brings you the night
(Haleli et hazman sheya’ir otach)
EN: Hail the time that will enlighten you
(Veyavi lach ge’ula)
EN: and bring you salvation
Ding dong, say no more
I hear silent prayers
And it’s making me high and fly
I know where to go and I’m coming
Ding dong, say no more
I hear silent prayers
And it’s making me high and fly
I know where to go and I’m coming now


La canzone Ding Dong (Israele) si trova nell'album Eurovision Song Festival 2011 uscito nel 2010.

L'articolo Nina - Ding Dong (Israele) testo lyric di Nina è apparso su il 2008-10-21 00:00:00


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