Nina - Rockefeller Street (Estonia) testo lyric

21/10/2008 Scritto da Nina Nina 1


Daylight is fading away, night silhouettes in the sky
LED lights are flashing on towers
It’s Manhattan’s magical time
Ballerinas dancing the Swan Lake
On a river made of diamonds and pearls
Everything’s a little bit weird now
Because tonight, it is showtime
In the middle of the street life
All we celebrate are good times
Because tonight, it is showtime
Come and walk with me
1273 down the Rockefeller street
Life is marchin’ on, do you feel that?
1273 down the Rockefeller street
Everything is more than surreal
(Alright, alright, alright)
(Let’s go, let’s go)
Oldschool Hollywood stars
Party cinderellas are here
They move like computer game heroes
Because they know it is showtime
In the middle of the street life
All they celebrate are good times
Because tonight it is showtime
So let’s keep movin’ on
1273 down the Rockefeller street
Life is marchin’ on, do you feel that?
1273 down the Rockefeller street
Everything is more than surreal
So let’s keep movin’ on
Keep movin’, keep movin’, keep movin’, keep movin’
If you want to know what Rockefeller groove is
Keep movin’, keep movin’, keep movin’, keep movin’
Time is right to celebrate good times
Keep movin’, keep movin’, keep movin’, keep movin’
If you want to know what Rockefeller groove is
Keep movin’, keep movin’, keep movin’, keep movin’
Time is right to celebrate the good times
1273 down the Rockefeller street
Life is marchin’ on, do you feel that?
1273 down the Rockefeller street
Everything is more than surreal
We’re singing
1273 down the Rockefeller street
Life is marchin’ on, do you feel that?
We’re singing
1273 down the Rockefeller street
Everything is more than surreal


La canzone Rockefeller Street (Estonia) si trova nell'album Eurovision Song Festival 2011 uscito nel 2010.

L'articolo Nina - Rockefeller Street (Estonia) testo lyric di Nina è apparso su il 2008-10-21 00:00:00


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