No Sex Before Marriage - Keys testo lyric


I don't want to stay all day in my head
So lady, come on, let me sail, let me enter
When you see me in the morning sittin' on the corner
You touch my keys
I don't want to stay all day in my head
So lady, come on, let me sail, let me wonder
When you see me in the evening waking while I'm dreaming
You touch my keys

I was falling I was falling I was falling off my bed
I was smiling I was smiling I was smiling on your lips
I was running I was running I was running on your map
And you were telling me
Let it be, borrow me

I don't want to stay all day in my head
So lady, come on, let me sail, let me enter
When you see me in the morning sittin' on the corner
You touch my keys
I don't want to stay all day in my head
So lady, come on, let me sail, let me wonder
When you see me in the evening waking while I'm dreaming
You touch my keys

I was falling I was falling I was falling off your neck, yeh
I was aging I was aging I was aging quite too fast
I was running I was running I was running far away from my missed calls
And you were telling me
Let it be, feel the breathe

I was falling I was falling I was falling
So lady, come on, let me sail, let me enter
When you see me in the morning sittin' on the corner
You touch my keys
I was falling I was falling I was falling
So lady, come on, let me sail, let me wonder
When you see me in the evening waking while I'm dreaming
You touch my keys

You touch my keys

You touch my keys

You touch my keys


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Keys di No Sex Before Marriage:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Aere (di @rockitadmin con 857 brani)


La canzone Keys si trova nell'album Clamor uscito nel 2025.

Copertina dell'album Clamor, di No Sex Before Marriage

L'articolo No Sex Before Marriage - Keys testo lyric di No Sex Before Marriage è apparso su il 2025-02-10 15:23:27


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