Novadeaf - No Quarter (Bellicus) testo lyric

27/03/2022 - 11:32 Scritto da Novadeaf Novadeaf 5


Ran to a place deep in the woods. Purple plants, stillborn the blooms.
On a oily lake gonna find me again. Gonna cry, gonna cry, gonna cry.
All this time babbling alone. All my guilts crammed into one.
Then a lonesome straying 'till I hold and break.
Gotta try, gotta try, gotta try. And I'll try and I'll try and I'll try.
All these sounds drifting away. One last gig. The parting of ways.
On a haunted stage our souls knit waves. Gonna cry, gonna cry, gonna cry.
Ran to a place deep in the woods Purple plants, stillborn the blooms.
Gotta hold and break, now I know the stakes.
Gotta try, gotta try, gotta try. And I'll try and I'll try and I'll try.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano No Quarter (Bellicus) di Novadeaf:


La canzone No Quarter (Bellicus) si trova nell'album BELLICUS uscito nel 2022 per Beng! Dischi, Feyr.

Copertina dell'album BELLICUS, di Novadeaf

L'articolo Novadeaf - No Quarter (Bellicus) testo lyric di Novadeaf è apparso su il 2022-03-27 11:32:10


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