Novadeaf - The Warchild testo lyric

27/03/2022 - 11:32 Scritto da Novadeaf Novadeaf 5


All that matters is that you work with me and if you'll cry I'll understand.
Future's coming up again. No matter what you're faking.
It's destroying all the thoughts that we still bear.
Mmmmh, don't be afraid. Mmmmh, it never stays. Mmmmh, it never stays.
All that matters is that you work with me and if I cry, please understand.
The troops are heading over here. So gather all your senses and
come follow me, let's hide under the stairs.
Mmmmh, don't be afraid. Mmmmh, they never stay. Mmmmh, they never stay.
Mmmmh, don't be afraid. Mmmmh, they never stay. Mmmmh, don't be afraid.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Warchild di Novadeaf:

VIDEO The Warchild

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La canzone The Warchild si trova nell'album BELLICUS uscito nel 2022 per Beng! Dischi, Feyr.

Copertina dell'album BELLICUS, di Novadeaf

L'articolo Novadeaf - The Warchild testo lyric di Novadeaf è apparso su il 2022-03-27 11:32:10


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