ofeliadorme - My Soldiers testo lyric


It shakes me how you are ignoring
the helpless misery
From a tower I watch the sun
no company
All I need in my flesh, in my veins, in my brains
in my bones, no more craziness
There's a small fort
where my soldiers are still alive
and I can breath
A good armor and an arrow it's all I need
in love and war, in love and war, in love and...
All I need in my flesh, in my veins, in my brains
in my bones, no more craziness
We're two different folks
All I need in my flesh, in my veins, in my brains
in my bones, no more craziness


La canzone My Soldiers si trova nell'album Secret Fires uscito nel 2016 per Warner, HB Recordings.

Copertina dell'album Secret Fires, di ofeliadorme

L'articolo ofeliadorme - My Soldiers testo lyric di ofeliadorme è apparso su Rockit.it il 2017-02-16 18:28:16


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