Of Shadows And Lights - The End Of A Nightmare testo lyric


It's hard to sleep now 'cause you're messing up with my head
Since it began, I only slept three hours in three days
I need some help. I need to rest, but I have to stay awake
Brother, I think you're losing yourself; It's better to keep quiet

Please, don't worry; it's only your fucking imagination
Time will erase the pain you feel, not now, but only when you're healed!

Is this the end of a nightmare for everyone?
What's your private hell?
What d'you think you deserve?
What's your regret?
Is this the end of a nightmare for everyone?
What's your private hell?
What d'you think you deserve?
What's your regret?

Please, don't worry; it's only your fucking imagination
Time will erase the pain you feel, not now because you're garbled and dazed


Is this the end of a nightmare for everyone?
What's your private hell?
What d'you think you deserve?
What's your regret?
Is this the end of a nightmare for everyone?
What's your private hell?
What d'you think you deserve?
What's your regret?
Is that your regret?


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Producer: Angelo Pitone
Executive Producer: Angelo Pitone
Performed & Recorded by: Angelo Pitone
Mixing Engineer: Angelo Pitone
Mastering Engineer: Angelo Pitone
Artwork: Angelo Pitone

VIDEO The End Of A Nightmare

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La canzone The End Of A Nightmare si trova nell'album The End Of A Nightmare uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album The End Of A Nightmare, di Of Shadows And Lights

L'articolo Of Shadows And Lights - The End Of A Nightmare testo lyric di Of Shadows And Lights è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-01-18 20:41:50


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