Who's got fear of getting poor
Who's got fear of losing job
I'll never get money
I'll never get a real job
Who's got fear of being infected
Who's got fear of the death
Who's got fear to stay at home
Who's got fear to be emarginated
I'm gonna keep a low profile
No ambiton to socialize
I always paid tax to a donothing state
So I feel like a ghost
and watch the world goes on
I enjoy this show from my own crystal ball
We gotta fear of being infected
W gotta fear of the death
We gotta fear to stay at home
We gotta fear to be emarginated
They invest on your fear
It's sure that is their biz
while we keep on fighting
'cause They put one against another
So I feel like a ghost
and watch the world goes on
I enjoy the show
from my own crystal ball
I enjoy the show
living on my own
So I feel like a ghost
and watch the world goes on
I enjoy the show
from my own crystal ball
I enjoy the show
living on my own
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Crystal ball di Domingo S. Myself:
La canzone Crystal ball si trova nell'album Memories from a long time ago uscito nel 2022 per Magroove.

L'articolo Domingo S. Myself - Crystal ball testo lyric di Domingo S. Myself è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-02-26 00:19:09