Going out from home
after some weeks that I don't
Wonder if I can still do it
Gonna see if I recall
Goin pizzeria
and I'm meeting with my friends
but I can't eat anything (or drink)
cause I'm staying masqueraded.
I'm waiting for the next phase.
Going to the beach
and it looks like a station
I have to pay attention
to not override the gate
Going for the shopping
and I'm goin' with my mum
but I'll ('ve) to wait in line
to let me be patted down
(to let they pat me down)
I'm waiting for the next phase.
I'm waiting for the next phase.
And your electric cadillac is still standing on the park
and even you have to wait for the next phase to have fun
so better waiting for the next phase....
Going out from home
Going pizzeria
Going to the beach
Going for the shopping.....
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Waiting for the next phase di Domingo S. Myself:
La canzone Waiting for the next phase si trova nell'album Memories from a long time ago uscito nel 2022 per Magroove.

L'articolo Domingo S. Myself - Waiting for the next phase testo lyric di Domingo S. Myself è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-02-26 00:19:09