Interrupted Speech(a better place)
When you’ll be crawlin’ down
You’ll think you get enough
Keepin’ all inside
Trying to be so strong
When you’ll watch around
And you’ll can’t find something right
And you keep on saying
(this could be) a better place
You say if I look around
(I could see) a better place
Keep on callin’
(this) a better place
On a newspaper now
I can see a woman broke in two
As my words fall down
We’d better think about all this blood
You keep on saying
(this could be) A better place
Keep on callin’
(this) A better place
I just can’t believe
In this better place
We just sit down quiet in our space
Lookin while everything goes wrong
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Interrupted Speech di Ogun Ferraille:
La canzone Interrupted Speech si trova nell'album My Stalker Doesn't Love Me uscito nel 2012.

L'articolo Ogun Ferraille - Interrupted Speech testo lyric di Ogun Ferraille è apparso su Rockit.it il 2013-05-14 17:06:24