I was just havin my life
You came out burning like fire
I was there singing that song
You wrote a sentence, three words.
Then I discovered a world
Sparkling clubs and hot blondes,
You told me "don't be afraid
Let's start to follow and obey"
You promised me, that you'll always be there
Now I'm here alone, you're still in that fuckin mess.
Livin my com-mo-n life, but I will never forget
That I got u on my wrist, I still got u in my head.
RIT: You can tell me , that the thing to do
Is just to try some drugs, and take a trip with you
No matter what you want from your life
What you mean for good time
ITs to save you , from you and your life
We started to plan our life
A child with your father's name
But I was making mistakes
It didn't mean you were mine
I screwed out hearing your lies
Love was hard as was fight
You had nothing more to give
So pack your bag and just leave.
You promised me, that you'll always be there
Now I'm here alone, you're still in that fuckin mess.
Livin my com-mo-n life, but I will never forget
That I got u on my wrist, I still got u in my head.
RIT: You can tell me , that the thing to do
Is just to try some drugs, and take a trip with you
No matter what you want from your life
What you mean for good time
ITs to save you , from you and your life
Bridge: Now I tell you that the thing to do
Is just to take a gun and make a fool of you
Now I tell you , that I'll be alright
I'm gonna take a gun, I'm gonna stop your life.
Premi play per ascoltare il brano NotMe di OneMoreGlass:
Lyrics by Erika Ietro
La canzone NotMe si trova nell'album Oh My glass uscito nel 2015.

L'articolo OneMoreGlass - NotMe testo lyric di OneMoreGlass è apparso su Rockit.it il 2016-04-25 19:32:35