Pashmak - Ropes testo lyric

26/01/2019 - 11:18 Scritto da Pashmak Pashmak 17



Tell this to somebody
that I know that anybody
knows the ropes.

I know a thing or two
of you, you and you,
I know the ropes.

The swinging of boats on saltish water
when all the knots come to the comb
I see little fishes eating themselves
under water.

You were sitting on the collapsed dock
green water
red coat.

The swinging of rotten poles
reminds me of the fear of things go
the sun fades behind the quarry
It’s your autonomy you show.

We walked in balance on rotten boards
It’s your autonomy you show
I know the ropes.

I deceived myself with sailor’s oaths
without knowing Japan seas,
It’s your autonomy you show
I know the ropes

I know your entangled ropes.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Ropes di Pashmak:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Pashmak - let the water flow (di @carolinardini con 9 brani)


La canzone Ropes si trova nell'album Let The Water Flow uscito nel 2014.

Copertina dell'album Let The Water Flow, di Pashmak

L'articolo Pashmak - Ropes testo lyric di Pashmak è apparso su il 2019-01-26 11:18:01


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