I’ve got a machine
Yeah I’ve got a machine
I tell ya got a machine
Oh I got I machine
They say this thing is so smart
Turns your brain into a fart
It tells you the time
It tells you the place
Is letting you see from a window
A window on the hell
In this machine
I’ve got a machine
A mirror like a night dream
It sticks to your hands
It cannot be detached
A royal room on hell
In this machine
I’ve got a machine
Yeah I’ve got a machine
When you turn it on
It turns off your brain
And you cannot complain
Of this machine..
Premi play per ascoltare il brano I've Got A Machine di Paul Pedana:
Written and Composed by Paul Pedana
Produced by Paul Pedana and Virga Siksniute
La canzone I've Got A Machine si trova nell'album Moosehorn Algoreaper uscito nel 2024.

L'articolo Paul Pedana - I've Got A Machine testo lyric di Paul Pedana è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-09-07 12:11:52