Paul Pedana - Oh My Old Friend testo lyric


My two soles are worn out
My hands full of calluses
But i still have a little hope

I’m on the bones of my arse
And have a damn leaky wallet
But i still have a little hope

Oh my old friend , Oh my old friend
Ain’t got no home
Where i belong

From my car’s engine belly
A dark smoke is billowing
But i still have a little hope
John Rains the towndrunk
He’ain’t got no gamp for whiskey rain
But i still have a little hope (He Doesn’t)

Oh my old friend, Oh my old friend,
Ain’t got no home where i belong

I was born in a stillhouse
My toys were the hogsheads
And i still have a little dope

I had a whiskey belly since i was twelve
A golden smile with cigarette
And i still have a tar roll-up

Oh my old friend, oh my old friend
Ain’t got no home where i belong

Willy Red the thinkerer
He ain’t got no money
He ain’t got no friends
But he still have a little thought

Molly Dones is at the bar
She’s cuckolded cause of her chap
But she still have a loaded gun

Oh my old friend, oh my old friend
Ain’t got no home where i belong

Tony Raw the Meatman
He ain’t got no more good ribs to chop
But he still have his cleaver thoug

My bottle is empty now
My liver goodbye
But i stll am a little dry.

Oh my old friend, oh my old friend
Ain’t got no home where i belong


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Oh My Old Friend di Paul Pedana:


Written and Composed by Paul Pedana
Produced by Paul Pedana and Virga Siksniute


La canzone Oh My Old Friend si trova nell'album Moosehorn Algoreaper uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album Moosehorn Algoreaper, di Paul Pedana

L'articolo Paul Pedana - Oh My Old Friend testo lyric di Paul Pedana è apparso su il 2024-09-07 12:11:52


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