When the shy mountains blush
And the wind is calming down
All the troubles fade in a red silent dusk
And the wooden table in the porch
Two empty glasses facing west
Awaiting us to pour and drink it full
When the stars begin their nightly gentle shine,
Blonde hair dancing in a windy lullaby
And you know that everything will just be fine
When there’s You, Me, And The Wine.
When it’s late at night and the fire
Is still lit and burning slow
And your head is resting on my chest
And outside the world may rage
Outside the world may fight ..
Or maybe it’s right the apocalyptic night..
But in here you won’t have nothing to fear
Cause we’re just to little dots in an blue sky
Is the place where everything will just be fine
When there’s You, Me, And The Wine.
But in here you won’t have nothing to fear
Cause we’re just to little dots in an blue sky
And you know that everything will just be fine
When there’s You, Me, And The Wine.
Premi play per ascoltare il brano You Me and The Wine di Paul Pedana:
Written and Composed by Paul Pedana
Produced by Paul Pedana and Virga Siksniute
La canzone You Me and The Wine si trova nell'album Moosehorn Algoreaper uscito nel 2024.

L'articolo Paul Pedana - You Me and The Wine testo lyric di Paul Pedana è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-09-07 12:11:52