I know there's much more behind reality
People walk and look at the sidewalk
not at the sun
I know more
I want more
And if you look closer you'll see that the curtain's transparent
and you'll also see that
secrets are not secrets
Whom I'm talking to when I say you in a song
I felle blue and true
so I know whom is the you
I feel blue
I love you
And if you look closer you'll see that the curtain's transpartent
and you'll also see that
secrets are not secrets
I know there's much more behind reality
I want you to tell me the things you like in the world
I want you to tell me about the thing
You like and you feel and you want and you do
I want you to tell me those things
so tell me, tell me
tell me please tell me
tell me
La canzone Violet si trova nell'album Waiting to happen uscito nel 1997 per On/Off Records.

L'articolo Perturbazione - Violet testo lyric di Perturbazione è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-11-26 18:46:08