Petra Von Kant - Come Closer testo lyric


When the subtlest disquiet lurks in the faint glow
that softly tries to envelop the darkness
Come closer… Come closer…
Snowy red outside but it’s in my head
Like an angel dead and gone risin’ scratch under my bed
A black cat breathes just upon my chest
He wants to protect me while I’m tryin’ to rest
Forget the past…
As I saw you standing
Standing in the half-light
As I Lay my ego burned by desire
As I saw you crawling
Wrapped by the fire
Who’s gonna save me…
save me from my desire
Come closer… they say
Come closer… I hear their voices call
the mind tries to unlock memories unknown
ephemeral pleasure to make way for thoughts
Hidden, unexpected, pierced from within
and shows itself against… all our reasonable will
(See the stars float down
swallowed by the blackest sky…)
As I saw you standing
Standing in the half-light
As I Lay my ego burned by desire
As I saw you crawling
Wrapped by the fire
Who’s gonna save me…
save me from my desire
Come closer… They say
Come closer… I hear their voices say…
Come closer… Come closer...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Come Closer di Petra Von Kant:


La canzone Come Closer si trova nell'album Come Closer uscito nel 2023 per Lost Generation Records, talentoliquido, Believe Music Italia.

Copertina dell'album Come Closer, di Petra Von Kant

L'articolo Petra Von Kant - Come Closer testo lyric di Petra Von Kant è apparso su il 2023-11-09 17:27:15


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