Petra Von Kant - Living in Mercy Street testo lyric


I've been caught by the lake
I was thrilled by your side
Dance in the blinding darkness
with a knife.
Through the straggling woods.
Walk on bridges over voids
Grown out of time
You float weightless 'til you cross that line
As a world of grief arose within
We've been living in Mercy Street
well... We've been living in Mercy Street
What color is your pain?
Maybe silver streaking blue
Sooner or later, a wounded soul without a clue
climbing upwards there towards life
We've been lovers in Mercy Street
well... We've been losers in Mercy Street
We've been lovers in Mercy Street (we've been lovers...)
well... We've been losers in Mercy Street (we've been losers...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Living in Mercy Street di Petra Von Kant:


La canzone Living in Mercy Street si trova nell'album Come Closer uscito nel 2023 per Lost Generation Records, talentoliquido, Believe Music Italia.

Copertina dell'album Come Closer, di Petra Von Kant

L'articolo Petra Von Kant - Living in Mercy Street testo lyric di Petra Von Kant è apparso su il 2023-11-09 17:27:15


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