Pinhdar - Frozen Roses testo lyric

05/02/2024 - 16:49 Scritto da Pinhdar Pinhdar 19


Frozen roses,
our days wait for the thaw while
The ice settles on our lashes
We save the perfume for another time
Frozen roses
The voices of the past
Have turned to silence
A slow caress and it’s already gone

I hear the voices of my young friends echoing from the past , distant past
Ask the wind that whispers its moans why the sun rises,
the stars shine but the darkness remains

We are lying down in the deep of the night
These bare walls will know about us,
the bottoms of glasses we raised in a toast
We’ll be invisible together
as the stars fall outside the window
The window


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Frozen Roses di Pinhdar:

VIDEO Frozen Roses

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La canzone Frozen Roses si trova nell'album Frozen Roses uscito nel 2024 per Fruits de Mer Records.

Copertina dell'album Frozen Roses, di Pinhdar

L'articolo Pinhdar - Frozen Roses testo lyric di Pinhdar è apparso su il 2024-02-05 16:49:55


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