Pinhdar - Home testo lyric

05/02/2024 - 16:49 Scritto da Pinhdar Pinhdar 19


Our home is far away
behind the highest mountains
behind the golden fields
and empty deserts

There is one place I belong
just the one to return,
where you go while you are sleeping
And it’s called home

Behind a blue ocean,
it’s in a fantasy, it’s in a dream
Our home behind the clouds

There is one place I belong
Just the one to return,
where you go while you are sleeping
And it’s called home

Our home has stories,
has warm smiles,
there are tired people,
pretty dogs, a porch full of flowers
Old photos under the rain
or on a beach on summer time
our home has stories

But we are all travellers of this time,
of this place.
Then we go home


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Home di Pinhdar:


Siamo tutti viaggiatori di questo spazio e di questo tempo ma tutti torniamo nell’unico luogo che ciascuno, nel proprio intimo, chiama casa;


La canzone Home si trova nell'album A Sparkle On The Dark Water uscito nel 2024 per Fruits de Mer Records.

Copertina dell'album A Sparkle On The Dark Water, di Pinhdar

L'articolo Pinhdar - Home testo lyric di Pinhdar è apparso su il 2024-02-05 16:49:55


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