Biografia Pink Frida

01/06/2019 - 11:53 Scritto da Pink Frida Pink Frida 0
Pink is the colour, Frida is the word standing for artistic life and creativity. The Pink Frida band is active since early 2016 and mostly operates in northern Italy, being based in Merano (BZ). The story began when two spare-time musicians and co-workers started meeting up regularly in a rehearsal room to explore and enjoy the art of creating and composing original music. Vinicio Crivelletto, on keyboards, and Armando Giannattasio, on guitar, had already had some previous experience with playing in a band, although this was dated back in the 90’s and till 2005; however, they had never played together up to that moment. After a couple of jam sessions, Vinicio and Armando soon realized that in a few days they had recorded a significant amount of original material, often influenced by several different music styles such as jazz, blues, rock, soul, funky, pop. The overall creative process appeared very natural to Vinicio and Armando and this experience was exciting to the point that they decided to look for a singer and a lyric writer. The scope of the project was to convert the original and embryonal ideas developed earlier into fully structured songs to be played live and to be enjoyed by a multi-aged audience in multi-occasional events. At the beginning of summer 2016, Clarissa Arena joined the band as the singer: her voice resulted in a good match and quickly found a deserved place between the melodic piano, the rhythm guitar and the synth bass. As planned, Clarissa was also asked to write the lyrics for the band. She accepted and gave it a go for the very first time: she wrote “Nuove destinazioni”, her first lyric ever. This lyric was written in the Italian language, a choice that will be recurrent for most of the songs by Pink Frida. Having produced a series of original songs, in April 2017 for the first time the Pink Frida performed live on stage in occasion of a contest organized by the Music Club in Egna (BZ) where the Pink Frida band was awarded the second prize for the original song called “Attimi”. For this live performance, Daniel Schiavo joined the band, a very young and talented drummer. The video recorded by the Music Club using professional equipment is still one of the best videos of the band performing live. A few weeks later, after a long search for an available drummer, Salvatore Spolsino joined the band. From that time onwards, Armando, Vinicio, Salvatore and Clarissa have continued playing together as the Pink Frida band, appearing in several contests such as Tour Music Fest, Fondazione Estro Musicale, Rock Time, Arezzo Wave, Greenrock contest, Sanremo Rock among the most famous. The band has always been very glad to give gigs on stages such as those prepared in 2018 for social events gathering a large number of people like for example the “Dolomiti Pride” and “Emergency”. In more formal occasions, Pink Frida enjoyed very much playing in trendy hotels, like “Therme” in Meran, and give gigs in events organized by the local agency for tourism and entertainment or by the local government, the Province of Bolzano. In just two days of October 2018 the band recorded the six tracks that later will be included in the album “Pink Frida” (2019), now available for sale.

L'articolo Biografia Pink Frida di Pink Frida è apparso su il 2019-06-01 11:53:01