Pol Paxx - I forgot the brain in surgery testo lyric

13/10/2023 - 13:46 Scritto da Pol Paxx Pol Paxx 0


I forgot the brain in surgery

Don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget

There is a light in the room that silently stares at me
There is no time to answer her
When my turn comes, I know they'll tell me
My gaze towards them helps me

I forgot the brain in surgery
Don't forget to bring it back to me
Don't forget to give me therapy
Don't forget to put it back on me

I don't wanna to forget
Don't forget don't forget don't forget the brain
I don't wanna to forget

When each neuron is back in its place
Then we can go to talking normally
I will remember where I put the medicines
and if I turned off the light in the kitchen

Don't forget don't forget don't forget the brain
I don't wanna to forget

I forgot the brain in surgery
Don't forget to bring it back to me
Don't forget to give me therapy
Don't forget to put it back on me

I don't wanna to forget
Don't forget don't forget don't forget the brain
I don't wanna to forget


Premi play per ascoltare il brano I forgot the brain in surgery di Pol Paxx:


La canzone I forgot the brain in surgery si trova nell'album Light years away uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Light years away, di Pol Paxx

L'articolo Pol Paxx - I forgot the brain in surgery testo lyric di Pol Paxx è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-10-13 13:46:34


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