“I Saw Them Leaving sono dieci canzoni che parlano di innocenza ed esperienze, cuori rubati, epifanie e speranze che si riuniscono in un unico coro ad invocare il sole che sorge”.

I Saw Them Leaving
The Pussywarmers
All tunes composed by The Pussywarmers & Réka.
Lyrics in “There Are Always Two Answers” courtesy of Delaney Davidson.
Tracks 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 recorded and mixed by Nene Baratto at Boto’s Farm (Cuneo, Italy, 8-13 August 2012).
Tracks 2, 5, 6, 7 recorded and mixed by Nene Baratto at The Bunker Studios (Lugano, Switzerland, Spring 2013).
Mastered by Carl Saff at Saff Mastering, Chicago, USA