RADIO 8 - Highway testo lyric

09/02/2023 - 09:39 Scritto da RADIO 8 RADIO 8 1


Born to be free like the wind on your skin
Take your car and move your dreams
Is your time to the highway!
The smell on tyre with the gasoline
Take your feel under your skin
Is your time to the highway!
Take your bike and move your feel
Is your dream under your skin
Is your time to the highway!

Born to be free like the wind on your skin
Take your bike and move your dreams
Is your time to the highway!
The devil’s game is not the same
Pay your dudes with money back
Is your time to the highway!
The smell on tyre with the gasoline
Take your feel under your skin
Is your time to the highway!

Born to be free like the wind on your skin
Take your bike and move your dreams
Is your time to the highway!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Highway di RADIO 8:


Music and lyrics by RADIO8
Produced by RADIO8


La canzone Highway si trova nell'album Disconnect uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Disconnect, di RADIO 8

L'articolo RADIO 8 - Highway testo lyric di RADIO 8 è apparso su il 2023-02-09 09:39:34


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