RADIO 8 - War Dog testo lyric

09/02/2023 - 09:39 Scritto da RADIO 8 RADIO 8 1


I walk on the city go downtown
Walk like a bully on the streets
I spend all days to my friend look my teeth shine all day
I see myself on the stores
Wait for a cat to spend my time
Try to bite is your dick
You stepped my shit

Beware! Attention! Is wardog
Pay, to remember here, is wardog
My brain and my teeth is insane
Beware! Attention! Is wardog

I lived my days under jailed
Pay my dues with a thousand money
You screamed like a dude is your babe
My old friend leave me alone
I know do you live and i’ll come
To see you again and to give you pain
Remember your time to give you the pain

Beware! Attention! Is wardog
Pay, to remember here, is wardog
My brain and my teeth is insane
Beware! Attention! Is wardog

Beware! Attention! Is wardog
Pay, to remember here, is wardog
My brain and my teeth look insane
Beware! Attention! Is war dog


Premi play per ascoltare il brano War Dog di RADIO 8:


Music and lyrics by RADIO8
Produced by RADIO8


La canzone War Dog si trova nell'album Disconnect uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Disconnect, di RADIO 8

L'articolo RADIO 8 - War Dog testo lyric di RADIO 8 è apparso su il 2023-02-09 09:39:34


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