Raging River - Circles testo lyric


Walking in a dusty desert
Walking in a filthy desert, baby
Facing the sun
Is no longer fun
When all you get is further stun
Keep on tumbling down

This yellow’s burning my eyes
The sky reminds me the shit I made
I’m getting lost in a sunny day

Running in this empty desert
Running in this haunting desert, baby
Searching for some
Things I don’t find
Maybe cause they’re in my mind

This yellow’s burning my eyes
The sky reminds me the shit I made
I’m getting lost in a sunny day

Circle in the sand
Made by the prints of my feet
Circle in the air
The vultures over me
Circle in my head
Circle in the sand
Starting point again

Passing through this crushing desert
Passing through this fuckin’ desert, baby
Roaming around
I’m falling down
Swimming in the sand I drown
Coughing all the time

This yellow’s burning my eyes
The sky reminds me the shit I made
I’m getting lost in a sunny day

Circle in the sand
Made by the prints of my feet
Circle in the air
The vultures over me
Circle in my head
Circle in the sand
Starting point again

The path is awfully the same
The truth is striking down my face
The desert keeps calling my name
But I refuse to die in this place

Circle in the sand
Made by the prints of my feet
Circle in the air
The vultures over me
Circle in my head
Circle in the sand
Starting point again


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Circles di Raging River:


La canzone Circles si trova nell'album City Birds uscito nel 2017.

Copertina dell'album City Birds, di Raging River

L'articolo Raging River - Circles testo lyric di Raging River è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-03-19 08:54:19


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