Red Room - Thanks To you testo lyric

31/08/2022 - 16:40 Scritto da Red Room Red Room 1


Don’t tell me that’s not true, because I’m sure
I talk to you, now you’re gone, forever
don’t tell me cute stuff or I'll cry again
thanks to you if I believe in myself
In myself
In myself
I have so many demons in my head
but thanks to you I can name all of them
becoming sad and happy in one day
now you’re a memory who knows if you hear me
“is there something you miss today?”
Yeah there’s someone I miss today
“is there someone you miss today? “
Yes I’ll miss you, oh everyday
don’t tell me this is right please stop, that’s not fair..
just trying to find a way to sleep tonight
thousand cries invading my life, what I would give to have a reproach
“is there something you miss today?“
Yeah there’s someone I miss today
“is there someone you miss today?”
Yes I’ll miss you oh everyday, everyday, oh everyday.

“is there something you miss today?”
Yeah there’s someone I miss today
“is there someone you miss today?”
Yes I’ll miss you oh everyday, everyday, oh everyday.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Thanks To you di Red Room:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Aere (di @rockitadmin con 857 brani), Radici (di @rockitadmin con 863 brani)


La canzone Thanks To you si trova nell'album Teens Never Tell The Truth uscito nel 2022 per Awal, Noteum.

Copertina dell'album Teens Never Tell The Truth, di Red Room

L'articolo Red Room - Thanks To you testo lyric di Red Room è apparso su il 2022-08-31 16:40:35


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