revue - Rolling Wild testo lyric

03/03/2025 - 16:19 Scritto da revue revue 2


As the darkness falls and the wind starts to blow
You held my hand and we escaped from this endless hole
Now suddenly the worlds empty just you and I
And we let the fire lead us as we crossed our eyes

Nothing lasted but the withered nature abandoned building and those useless road
On this condoomed planet you’re all I know
So let’s shut the dawn and wait for our last sunrise
Even this fine line can be ignored while you’re by my side

Wave me your goodbye
For this minute that I can breathe
Minute of ease minute of peace
This isn’t goodbye
For this second that I can see
Seconds to reach seconds to plead

Don’t let their colors crumble on your heart
Don’t let their story invile who you are
Just call out my name, send in a sign in the dark
And I’ll be reaching for your signal even if we’re light years apart

Wave me your goodbyes
For this minute that I can breath
Minutes of ease minutes of peace
This isn’t goodbyes
For this secondo that I can see
How could I seek what I can’t greet


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Rolling Wild di revue:


Giovanni Laschi - Voce, Chitarra Acustica
Pietro Morgione - Chitarra Lead
Lorenzo Del Bravo - Chitarra Ritmica
Filippo Migliorini - Basso
Lorenzo Camaiani - Batteria

VIDEO Rolling Wild

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La canzone Rolling Wild si trova nell'album Rolling Wild uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album Rolling Wild, di revue

L'articolo revue - Rolling Wild testo lyric di revue è apparso su il 2025-03-03 16:19:40


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