Romano Reggiani - COKE & JACK testo lyric


I’m walking in this city,
feeling nothing, feeling.
Every girl with a man,
feeling nothing, feeling.
There are some towers,
nothing to feel.
Big, great,
they touch it.

The sky’s black,
the music’s horrible,
but the vision’s great.

No feeling, only drink,
the bit’s like bomb.
It’s full metal rain,
nothing to feel.
Because no-one looks,
feeling nothing, feeling.
Coke and Jack in the night.

The sky’s black,
the music’s horrible,
but the vision’s great.


La canzone COKE & JACK si trova nell'album Time is a Time uscito nel 2018 per Areasonica Records, Believe Digital.

Copertina dell'album Time is a Time, di Romano Reggiani

L'articolo Romano Reggiani - COKE & JACK testo lyric di Romano Reggiani è apparso su il 2019-02-08 15:55:10


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