Sailor Free - Amazing

I can see through the walls
But still lock the door of my singing fears
It could sound, drifted and bound,
I ring the bell of what matters, here...

Let it out from my skin
And the magic begins

Shame that I was to blame
For every presumption to fall...
But I was without you

Let it out from my skin
It eventually comes to me
Through the weed

It's amazing
This amazing sun
It lasts for a while and it gets clear
And the braiding's done
It's amazing
Than I'll ripple songs
Till I realize that it was me
Since when I begun

It's amazing
This amazing sun
It lasts for a while and it gets clear
And the braiding's done
It's amazing
Than I'll ripple songs
Till I realize that it was me
Since when I begun

L'articolo Sailor Free - Amazing di Sailor Free è apparso su il 2025-01-26 17:50:19


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