Saint Huck - Wander testo lyric

09/10/2023 - 00:05 Scritto da Saint Huck Saint Huck 0


It was a rainy day
I felt so small
It was a rainy day
I felt so small

Now on the highway
I keep my eyes closed
On the highway
I hold back tears

It was a rainy day
I felt so small
It was a rainy day
I felt so small


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Wander di Saint Huck:


Livio Lombardo: Vocal, Electric Guitars, Synth, Choirs, Piano, mellotron
Marco Zampoli: Acoustic, Electric, Omnichord, Choirs
Mattia Calosci: Bass, Choirs
Sebastiano Cataudo: Drums
Letizia Bonchi: Choirs


La canzone Wander si trova nell'album When It All Began uscito nel 2023 per Believe, Overdrive Records.

Copertina dell'album When It All Began, di Saint Huck

L'articolo Saint Huck - Wander testo lyric di Saint Huck è apparso su il 2023-10-09 00:05:22


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