Saliva - Greater Than/Less Than testo lyric


Be what you wanna be, see what you wanna see, you?re going to anyway.
Take what you need from me, all that you?ll ever be is something so crazy.
And you can find another side to be on if you wish you can.
Or you can choose the other way cause it is right there in your hands.
And you can mistake it for anything that you want, and you can erase it with everything you?re on.
You?re so lazy, you?re so crazy, you got me crazy in my head.
What you?re wasting is what you?re chasing and its right there in your hands.
And you can mistake it for anything that you want, and you can erase it with everything that you?re on.
Cause you?re greater than but less than what you are.
Cause you?re greater than but less than what you come from.
Oh no, oh no, time is on her knees.
And you can mistake it for anything that you want, and you can erase it with everything that you?re on.
Cause you?re greater than but less than what you are.
Cause you?re greater than but less than you come from.
Oh no, oh no, time is on her knees.


La canzone Greater Than/Less Than si trova nell'album Every Six Seconds uscito nel 2001.

Copertina dell'album Every Six Seconds, di Saliva

L'articolo Saliva - Greater Than/Less Than testo lyric di Saliva è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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