Saliva - Two Steps Back testo lyric


I see the end of every book I've ever read.
I see the price of everything I ever said.
I feel the break in every rule I've ever bent.
And I hear the sound of all the voices in my head.

Fallin' away, takin' the fall, can't even find no peace at all.
Will we ever change, no taking it back, one step forward two steps back.

I've seen all the falling buildings on the TV hotel bed.
I've seen mother's babies risk their lives for a waving flag.
And I heard the Dixie Chickens run their mouths in a foreign land.
And then try to take back everything they ever said

Will someone please take this away.
You better watch everything that you say.
Because it's gonna come back to you.


La canzone Two Steps Back si trova nell'album Survival Of The Sickest uscito nel 2003.

Copertina dell'album Survival Of The Sickest, di Saliva

L'articolo Saliva - Two Steps Back testo lyric di Saliva è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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