Biografia Sammy Rosko

Sammy Rosko (Milan 1981) is a songwriter and musician. During the first year of art school formed the band (first Called "Triple-p", then "Spectrum" and finally "Primo Carnera") with whom he played for 10 years consecutively. In 2009 Sammy Rosko ( using the alias Douglas Denver Zappaterra) began his solo career releasing the album "The girl in pink shorts wears a new face" totally self-produced (including graphics). In 2011 he released his second cd "The Man who was a farmer now has a new name" and the following year published "Are you Sam or Saul?" split of original songs by Sammy and Saul Savarino Rosko. Sammy Rosko composed texts, music and even designed the artwork for his albums. He wants to have complete control of his music, which is why first-person record his songs using the tools of his minimal home-recording studio. In May 2011 following the headcrash of the hard disk in which he kept a hundred songs, he decided to share his music and videos without insert them in albums or compilations, but posting them one by one at the same time they are ready. Sammy Rosko is now certain that "the only way to save his work is to share it!"

L'articolo Biografia Sammy Rosko di Sammy Rosko è apparso su il 2013-05-22 12:09:02