season - Kintsugi testo lyric

27/07/2021 - 20:13 Scritto da season season


Confused under center arches
Find yourself in front of forks
Choices that will make in slices
My mind

Tiny streets and tiny alleyway
Yards to cover without warning signs
Squares are huge and there’s no reference point
Follow me through this narrow path

With gold fill my wounds
More worth I’ll be so
Stronger than I was
when you will have done

You’re the red, you are the learned,
Your doors opened when I need care
When I left you for the second time
I still felt you by my side

There are days that we don’t get well
I close myself instead to yell
Even if it’s not your fault
I start making plans to come back home

With gold fill my wounds
More worth I’ll be so
Stronger than I was
when you will have done


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Kintsugi di season:


La canzone Kintsugi si trova nell'album Get Closer uscito nel 2021 per Costello's Records, Artist First.

Copertina dell'album Get Closer, di season

L'articolo season - Kintsugi testo lyric di season è apparso su il 2021-07-27 20:13:28


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