Second Brain - Sickest Breed testo lyric


Manic alienation
Tearing down the will
Inverse growing wisdom
Shining, opaque selves

Borderline resistance
To spontaneous needs
Overarching boredom
More void to be filled

Nothing to gain, nothing to lose and nothing worth fighting for
Motionless face, neutral to rage
As apathy takes control

The sickest breed has laid its plan to rule the earth
Supine, complacent masses brandish the idols that make them dumb
Weed out the weak, take out their hearts and steal their souls
Amorality is their flag and conspiracy is their sword

Twilight of the senses
Artificial brains
Stone-cold and indifferent
New society is shaped

Egocentric urges
Tunnel vision reigns
Endless loop of inputs
Birth of modern slaves

Bringing the change
From the inside
No differences will be felt
The standard is set, the model is out
A functional race is born

The sickest breed has laid its plan to rule the earth
Supine, complacent masses brandish the idols that make them dumb
Weed out the weak, take out their hearts and steal their souls
Amorality is their flag and conspiracy is their sword

Hidden from the sun, the supernatural dominant powers enslave humanity
Through remote mind control
Close-knit like a clan
Exterminating, altering, smothering all personalities to reach their deepest core
One breed rules all
Their rise means our fall


La canzone Sickest Breed si trova nell'album The Mind Awakes uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album The Mind Awakes, di Second Brain

L'articolo Second Brain - Sickest Breed testo lyric di Second Brain è apparso su il 2019-09-12 18:34:58


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