THE EYES is the fisrt record performed and composed by SenderFlos. It's meeting of three musicians whose culture and listenings are spread through the twenty years among their respective ages. All tracks are improvised. Improvisation is valued for its expressive potential, often rough, always genuine and effective. It allows to imagine obscure and manifold worlds and to make them real through a non evident and never fully disclosed complexity.
The intention behind this album was to open doors and windows to fortuities and mistakes as we think true identity can be generated by their acceptation and genuine imperfection.
We lift our hands to the result.
THE EYES is just the sight on a world seen through curious eyes.

The Eyes
Artist / Band:
Stefano Castagna – tavola di Flos, monotron, memory pipe, effects
Luca Formentini – tavola di Flos, guitar, real time sound-processing
Stefano Moretti – electronic production
Tavole di Flos are self made instruments created from recycled objects
Written Performed and Produced by SenderFlos
Recorded Mixed and Mastered at Ritmo&Blu Pozzolengo (Italy)
Recorded by Stefano Castagna
Mixed and Mastered by Stefano Moretti
Additional Musician:
Laurie Amat – Vocals on “Finger in the Water”
Marta Camisani – Acoustic piano on “On my Toys”, “The End of the Eyes”